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Example #2: WoW
// Setting up the wiimote so that the controls on top of the wiimote works
// as WASD that is commonly used in FPS and other games.
w = Wiimote.Up
s = Wiimote.Down
a = Wiimote.Left
d = Wiimote.Right
// Here I set the nunchuk so it corresponts with my direction keys.
Right = 1 > Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyX > 0.5
Left = -1 < Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyX < -0.5
down = 1 > Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyY > 0.5
up = -1 < Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyY < -0.5
// Bind some keys to the mote, you can bind your own.
h = Wiimote.Plus
q = Wiimote.Minus
tab = Wiimote.Home
j = Wiimote.One
k = Wiimote.Two
// Nunchuck
u = Wiimote.Nunchuk.CButton
f = Wiimote.Nunchuk.ZButton
// B for left click and A for right click
mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.B
mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.A